Jul 8, 2010

Happenings in the Gray House

We sure have a lot of fun at our house! Here are some of the latest happenings in our home! If you look at Lily's bib, you will see the other half of her sandwich! I love this picture! Every day for lunch Lily will request, "butter, honey." I will than make her a peanut butter and honey sandwich and she will take the two pieces apart and eat each one separately. Well this day, the other half didn't quite make it back to the plate! I thought it was so funny that I had to take a picture!
This is how I found Lily one morning! You can tell that she is deep in thought! She must be contemplating all the ways she can convince Mommy that she should get exactly what she wants at exactly the time she requests it!
This is from Father's Day! Daddy wanted to nap with Lily after Church and so they did! We have the most amazing Dad in our house! Lily loves him so much and can hardly wait for him to return from work each day! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and an amazing father to our sweet little Lily!
These two pictures are of what Lily loves to do more than anything! She gets excited each time we open the garage door! She always knows that she has to wear her helmet to ride, so when we get home from somewhere and we pull into the garage, she says, "bike,hat!" It makes it hard to get into the house! She loves to ride and she is getting better and better! Maybe by the end of summer she will be able to do it all by herself!

We have a great County Recreation Center just down the road from us! Our neighbors told us about it and we have since fallen in love with it! Lily will be taking swimming lessons there in a few weeks! She loves it already though! We went to the pool with some of our really good friends and had a blast! Later when TJ and I took her back to sign her up for her lessons, she cried because she could see the pool and we wouldn't let her go and play! We will be going there a lot!

Lily found the finger paints the other day, so I decided she could try it out! She LOVED it! She only tried to eat the paint once and that was at the beginning! We sure do love this new activity!
TJ had a very special day at the beginning of June! He had a birthday! Lily and I tried to spoil him, as he so deserves to be spoiled! He requested Chicken Enchilladas and German Chocolate Cake. We sure do love our Daddy! What an amazing man! I don't know how I got so lucky, but I am sure glad I did!
We had a Saturday full of errands and Lily did so well, so we told her she could have a treat! We took her to the 7-11 down the street and got her an icey. We thought she would drink a little and then be done with it. BOY WERE WE WRONG! We live about four blocks away and she had it half way gone before we got home! To say she LOVED it is an understatement! We had a great time watching her devour her new found love!

Bowling with Daddy is a favorite activity in our house! Lily will throw the ball, see how many pins she knocked down, and then run and clear the rest with her hands! She will do this over and over with her daddy! They both have a great time with it!

1 comment:

Becky R. said...

Love the contemplation picture. :) Glad you guys are come safe. We'll have to do something soon.