May 27, 2014


Just because she grows and changes so fast!  She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  I love this little girl and her smile!  She adds so much to our family!

Field Day!

Lily has been so excited about Field day for a while now!  They had to move it to today instead of last Friday due to bad weather.  Today was a perfect day!  Lily enjoyed all the different activities and working with her team!  I can't believe that school is almost over and that I will have a first grader!  It has been a great year for Lily!  She is reading like a champ!  She is writing so well!  She has matured so much!  She has grown so much this year!  I am looking forward to summer break!  I love this little girl so much!  She is a true joy!

Sleepover / Memorial Day

Sunday night the kids asked if they could have a sleepover in Logan's room.  They had a great time!  They talked well past their bed time!  These two can be the best of friends!  The next morning was Memorial Day!  We had a great day as a family!  The kids had to have pictures with our flag!

You've Got a Friend in Me!

Logan has loved the movie Toy Story for a long time.  He loves Woody the cowboy and will carry him around and play with him.  The other day, he gave Lexi Woody to play with.  She held onto Woody for a while!  I love that Logan loves to share with his little sister!  These two have a very special relationship!

Growing too Fast!

Lexi is growing up way too fast!  She isn't even five months old and she is already sitting up!  She does better when she sits on soft surfaces and can sit longer by herself on them!  She is so sweet!  She loves to sit up and be a part of what is going on!  If you leave her alone in a room, she will scream at you until you come and pick her up and bring her to where things are happening!  I love this little girl!

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

We took the kids down to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs a few Saturdays ago.  They got really excited when they learned that we would be feeding the GIRAFFES!  The kids love giraffes!  It was so exciting to see their reactions!  We took Lily when she was a lot younger so she didn't remember.  We had a great day!  We fed the giraffes, rode the tram to the top of the mountain and had a picnic up there, and we got to see some bears play fighting!  It is a great Zoo!  We really love the Zoo!

 Riding the chair lift!

I love to go to the Zoo!  Every time we go we get to see something amazing!

May 5, 2014

How do You eat an Apple?

Logan makes me laugh daily!  Just the other day he asked if he could have an apple.  I told him yes and then went upstairs for a few minutes.  I came down and found him enjoying his apple and had to capture it!  He is the cutest little guy I know!  I sure love him!

My Amazing Lily!

Lily is AMAZING!  I love this little girl with all my heart!  She never ceases to amaze me!  Lily had a Fun Run to raise money for her School.  First of all, she did a great job asking for people to sponsor her!  She raised over $100!  Thank you to those that helped her!  She was so proud of what she was able to raise!  Then on race day, she ran 40 laps!  They could only count 35, but she wanted to keep going!  I was a little worried for her as she was running!  I kept telling her if she got tired she could walk for a while, but she never slowed down!  She stopped for water just a few times but that was it!  She ran a little over two miles!  This is huge!  It was the first really big physical challenge she has done!  Knowing about her heart, I was a little more nervous than my normal mommy worries!  She did AMAZING!  I couldn't be more proud of this little girl!  She is such a little athlete!

 Her biggest fans!
 They did theme runs to different songs.  This was run like a ballerina!

 That's right!  My all star run over the 35 laps counted!