Apr 2, 2010

Easter Party!

We were invited to an Easter Party with some of the kids in the ward. Lily had a great time! She especially loved the egg game and the egg hunt. The egg game they played was to race with an egg on a spoon. Lily was not good at the race part, but she loved carrying the egg on the spoon. She was very good at finding the eggs during the hunt! It is so fun to watch her grow and become a big kid! She had a really good time! Thanks for the invite!Carrying the egg on the spoon! Such a pro!

Helping out a friend, or taking the egg, who knows!
"Look Mom! I found some eggs!"
Filling the basket! We had 12 eggs when we were done!

Enjoying the fruits of her labors!

Having a PB and Jelly after the hunt. It was such a fun day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the adorable peanut butter face with the bunny ears!