Apr 14, 2011

The Last Month at the Gray House

It is hard to believe that it has been a little over a month since we brought Logan home from the hospital!  It has been a good month for our family!  We have sure enjoyed our little guy.  Lily is a great big sister and a super helper!  We sure love our little family!
 Lily loves to help feed her baby brother his bottles.  She also loves to give him his, "pink," as she calls it.  She loves to pick out his pjs and she especially loves to share her toys with him.  She also talks about when he gets bigger that they will play together.

 Our little guy loves to be swaddled, but I have caught him sleeping just like his sister used to sleep a couple of times!

 Lily loves to dance with her dad when he comes home from work.  The other night they included Logan in the dancing!  It was so much fun to watch the three of them and see the smiles!
 We have had some great weather here and have taken advantage of it!  At our house we love to play with sidewalk chalk and bubbles.  Lily is getting pretty good at blowing the bubbles this year!  She sure is growing up fast!

 This shirt is the motto for our little man until he is at least 21!
 Lily loves to paint.  A few times she has gotten into my paints and painted things like her golf clubs or herself.  So when we were at the craft store the other day we picked out a bird house and she got to use mom's paints to paint it!  She thought that was pretty cool since she usually gets in trouble if she uses mom's paints!  She did a great job.  She wanted it to be three colors mixed together and that is what we got!  She was so careful about her painting.  She is very proud of her bird house and cant wait for birds to move in!

 Just last night, Lily decided that she needed a tail!  She took her shirt and placed it in her pj's and danced around with her tail!  I was laughing so much.  Oh the things she comes up with all on her own!
This is one of the many times I have found stuffed animals in with Logan.  Lily is great at sharing her toys with him.  She is also great at going into his room and playing with his things so I guess it is only fitting for her to share with him too!

1 comment:

James and Tricia Thomas said...

I have said it before and I will say it again: You two make really cute babies!