Aug 19, 2013

Pics from T.J.'s phone

Here is a sampling of things that we did this summer.

This is, quite possibly, the hottest salsa I have ever eaten - some green chili blend in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Megan and I went to the Goo Goo Dolls/Matchbox 20 concert - about 15 years too late :).

 My sweet Lily, taking her Junior Ranger pledge at Craters of the Moon during our Idaho trip.

 More from Idaho:

In Utah - Logan wanted to be Max's best bud.

 Logan, Lily, and Quinn with Aunt Tiff

These are from just last Friday. We went for a hike at Castlewood Canyon. I am sure more will be posted about this later, but thought I would get these pics up here now.

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