Feb 11, 2014

Tooth Fairy!

Lily has had a loose tooth for months!  I am not even kidding when I say MONTHS!  She was so excited at first!  She would wiggle it and wiggle it!  That is until she learned that it would bleed.  Then all wiggling stopped!  She was not ready for blood!  Well it continued to get more and more loose!  When Aunt Marci was here, she was showing her how it was loose.  I noticed the big tooth behind it and so Aunt Marci and I talked her into eating an apple and twisting it until it popped out!  It didn't take long either!  She was so excited and we all cheered for her!  She could hardly wait for the Tooth Fairy to come!  Now she is looking forward to more loose teeth because she knows it isn't scary and there isn't too much blood!

 When Lily first told me she had a loose tooth, I was a little teary eyed.  Now my baby is loosing teeth!  I am still not sure how I feel about it!  She is just growing way too fast!
This is Logan showing us his loose tooth!  He wants to be just like his big sister!

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