Jun 25, 2008

TJ's Family came to visit!

TJ's family came to visit us for a few days. It was a lot of fun to have them come to Denver. They are our first out of town visitors since we have moved to Denver. We took them to a Rockies game, one of our favorite things to do in the summer. We all got Rockies shirts, except for Collin who is the rebel and went with the Yankees. The Rockies played the Cleveland Indians and won! It was a fun game and the weather was absolutely perfect.

Everyone all dressed up in their Rockies gear except for Collin who always has to be different! We sat in our favorite spot, right field, in hopes that we would get a ball, but no luck this time. It was still a lot of fun.

We also had to make a stop at Elich Gardens, the amusement park here in Denver. TJ was way excited for this day. All the Gray kids rode the rides and Lisa and me watched. For some crazy reason they wont let a pregnant woman on the rides! It was still fun watching them on the rides and watching the other people walk by.

Waiting in line for a ride while enjoying the misters. It was a pretty hot day so they were glad to get a little refreshment.

This was a crazy ride. Its called the Half Pike and you ride a skateboard up the half pike while the circle you are siting in spins around! It looked like fun and TJ said he really enjoyed it.

The non riders. I told TJ that he had to make sure I had a cold drink in hand at all times since he got to ride all the rides. He is such a good husband and did so. Thanks love!
The last day they were here we took them to the Downtown Aquarium. We enjoy the Aquarium a lot. It is a pretty good one for being located in a land locked state.
This is TJ's favorite part of the Aquarium - the Tigers. It was a little sad this time because only one was out and it wasn't as active as last time. It is still a sight to see - tigers at the Aquarium!?
These last two pictures are of the Octopus. They were really cool looking so I thought I would include them.
We had a great time with TJ's family. Thanks for coming and visiting. We invite anyone else that wants to come for a visit to come!


heidi said...

cute blog...you are darling!!! I'm still looking for that dream job here in Utah, so don't get too comfortable! Love and miss you=]

Christine said...

Megan thanks for the comment on our blog. It was nice to here from you. I hope that you are feeling well. It looks like you guys are having a great summer.