Dec 26, 2009

Playing Around!

Lily is loving every new present she has received. She has taken playing to new heights! Lily climbed up all by herself, and I must add that she was very proud of herself too! She stayed up there playing too! My baby is no longer a baby!
Enjoying a Capri Sun!
Unable to climb up again...giver her a few more tires and she will get up every time!
Lily loves her baseball set. She loves having Daddy help her hit the ball as well as play it by herself. By the time Grandpa comes, she will be a pro!

Christmas at theGray's

This was our first Christmas with just our little family. It was a really nice one too! Christmas eve we had the Warner Tradition of Ham balls and Hot Chicken Salad! It was no Grandma Warner quality, but it was good! Then we opened PJ's and read Christmas stories and sang carols! It was very hard to sleep that night. Both TJ and I were up every hour anticipating Lily and Christmas morning!Lily helped everyone open their PJ's

Christmas morning started at 7am when Lily woke up. She walked out into the living room and saw what Santa left for her. She got a big smile on her face and walked right over to her new table and sat down to open her stocking. She loved every minute of Christmas morning. Getting Capri Sun Juice and teddy grahams before breakfast was her favorite I think! She loved opening presents. She would open one, play with it for 30 seconds and then move on to another present. It was so fun to watch her get excited about everything going on. She must have been a good girl because she sure did get spoiled!
These next two pictures are to brag about my amazing husband. Most of the pictures from Christmas were of Lily, but there were a few to capture the surprise! TJ gave me my last present and had me open it. It was another present. I opened that and it was another present. Then I opened the last present only to find my very own pearls! I love pearls! I have wanted a set for a very long time, but never really thought I would get some. I was happy to settle for a fake set. I just love the way they look! I am so lucky! I had no idea they were even coming!

Bad picture I know!
Lily having a ton of fun!
Mom and daughter in their new aprons! Don't we look great! I must say that my brother Mark and his son Payton are quite the sewers! Really the credit goes to Jenni! Thanks so much!

Dec 23, 2009

Nice with a touch of Naughty!

Lily is mostly a very nice, but just yesterday she was a little bit naughty! Monday night she was given a gift from some of our friends to open on Christmas. She must have known it was something special because she decided to open it Tuesday! She knew exactly where it was under the tree and within minutes she had the bow untied, the paper ripped apart and the toy in her hands! She hasn't touched anything under the tree until now! What makes me laugh about the situation is the proud smile on her face! Since the toy was opened, she has not even gone close to the tree! I caved in and let her play with the toy. I figured it was better than beating my child for being naughty! She was so happy playing with it and has mastered the concept already!
Mom, I got it opened all by myself! Aren't you so proud of me!
Can we play now? I will even share it with you!

Dec 22, 2009

Family, Santa, and a Wedding!

We headed to Utah December 11th for TJ's little sister's Wedding! We had a very fun weekend full of lots of events. Most we have pictures for but some we do not. On Saturday morning we went with Marci to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple for her endowment. It was a great morning. After the temple and lunch, we had Gray family pictures taken. Sunday we were lucky enough to be in town for TJ's cousin's missionary homecoming! After that we went down to Orem to visit a couple of my brothers families. It was really fun to see them and hang out for a few hours before Christmas. We played games and had a great time! I also got to meet my new beautiful niece Emily!Emily was born on Thanksgiving and so we were very glad we got to meet her before she got too old!
Lily liked Emily too! She gave her a kiss and a hug. The picture below is Lily giving Emily a hug, not chocking her!

Lily and Zoey had a great time playing together. Zoey was nice enough to share her toys with Lily. They will be great friends as they get older!

While we were at Grandma's house, Lily took every opportunity to go up and down the stairs. We don't have stairs, so Lily doesn't get too much time on them, but what time she does get she loves! These were just too cute not to share!

Lily and Grandma played Mr. Potato Head together. Lily loved the glasses! She was so proud to be wearing them! She also looks super cute!
We took Lily up to Grandpa's office on Monday morning and she put on a pair of glasses frames and walked around just as proud as the potato glasses! Monday we also had a night of Christmas morning! Thanks family for celebrating Christmas with us since we will not be able to do it on the 25th. We started the night with Christmas breakfast of Crepes and Omelets. Then we were going to exchange gifts when there was a knock at the door and jingle bells. Who was there but Santa Clause! I think everyone was surprised at the visitor! I wish I would have captured Jeff's, Marci's new husband, face when he saw Santa! I think something like this was heard from his mouth, "I sure hope Santa knows I am here and not in Manilla!" Lily liked Santa except for when she sat on his lap. When he came in she went right up to him to share her book. Then she got a little nervous when she was placed upon his lap. When he was leaving she went up to him and gave him a hug goodbye. Wyatt liked that he gave presents, but that was about it! It was a great night!
"Okay dad, I am done with this guy!"

This doll was a gift from Grandma Santa! It is the first doll she has had any interest in. She has a doll from her birthday that she wont touch. This doll eats and makes sounds and all the sudden she loves it!
Wyatt riding her fire engine. It is the perfect size to ride! He was so happy!
Playing food with Wy and aunt Allie!
Playing with Aunt Tiff! Lily sure does love her aunts! Tiff got to spend a lot of special time with Lily as she was our babysitter, along with amazing Cassie! Thanks to all three amazing aunts that babysat for our little Lily!

Tuesday was the big day! Marci and Jeff were married in the Salt Lake Temple! It was beautiful! The luncheon was at the Lion house and we all know that means it was super yummy! Then their reception was at the Tallons Cove golf course clubhouse. It was really pretty out there! The whole day was amazing! We were so lucky to be able to spend it with the happy couple!

Our little family at the temple!
Climbing the stairs to the door!
Knocking on the door! I can't wait to go inside with this little beauty!
The view from the reception. I kept telling TJ the mountains were beautiful!
Aunt Tiff and Uncle Collin hanging out with Lily!
Lily bonding with her new uncle Jeff
Laughing with the beautiful bride!
Dancing with daddy! I love to watch those two dance!
Our good friends the Mellors. We got to spend some time catching up with them at the reception!

Wednesday before we went to the airport, my sister Kim and her little guy Cody came to visit. They were unable to make it Sunday night so they came over on Wednesday. Lily really enjoyed playing with Cody! They are just getting to the age where they can play together! What fun!
Our sweet little Lily giving hugs to her cousin Cody. She couldn't get enough of the hugs! She would turn him around to face her so she could give him a hug! She is so sweet!
Playing nativity with daddy and uncle TJ. They sure had a fun time! We were lucky to get to see the family that we did! We wish we could be together on Christmas. We do wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Lots of Love from our little family!
Well that was a long post, but a super fun trip to Utah! We sure do love all of our family! Can't wait til the next time we get to see them!

Dec 8, 2009

Putting up the Tree

This is the first year that we put up a tree. We will be spending Christmas here in Denver and what is Christmas morning without a Christmas tree! We had Lily help us decorate the tree. I thought it would be a little crazy, but she was so good about putting the ornaments on the tree or handing them to Daddy and watching them be placed way up high. She really likes the tree and had fun with the decorating! We all had a great time together putting up our tree and placing our special ornaments on. We collect an ornament each year and now we have a tree to place them on. This year we added a Nauvoo temple ornament.