Dec 26, 2009

Christmas at theGray's

This was our first Christmas with just our little family. It was a really nice one too! Christmas eve we had the Warner Tradition of Ham balls and Hot Chicken Salad! It was no Grandma Warner quality, but it was good! Then we opened PJ's and read Christmas stories and sang carols! It was very hard to sleep that night. Both TJ and I were up every hour anticipating Lily and Christmas morning!Lily helped everyone open their PJ's

Christmas morning started at 7am when Lily woke up. She walked out into the living room and saw what Santa left for her. She got a big smile on her face and walked right over to her new table and sat down to open her stocking. She loved every minute of Christmas morning. Getting Capri Sun Juice and teddy grahams before breakfast was her favorite I think! She loved opening presents. She would open one, play with it for 30 seconds and then move on to another present. It was so fun to watch her get excited about everything going on. She must have been a good girl because she sure did get spoiled!
These next two pictures are to brag about my amazing husband. Most of the pictures from Christmas were of Lily, but there were a few to capture the surprise! TJ gave me my last present and had me open it. It was another present. I opened that and it was another present. Then I opened the last present only to find my very own pearls! I love pearls! I have wanted a set for a very long time, but never really thought I would get some. I was happy to settle for a fake set. I just love the way they look! I am so lucky! I had no idea they were even coming!

Bad picture I know!
Lily having a ton of fun!
Mom and daughter in their new aprons! Don't we look great! I must say that my brother Mark and his son Payton are quite the sewers! Really the credit goes to Jenni! Thanks so much!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Cute aprons, and you look really skinny!