Feb 18, 2010

When You're Hungry, You have to Eat!

Our Little Lily is quite a talented little girl! This is the second time Lily has eaten and slept at the same time. When you are hungry you have to eat no matter how tired you are!


Isernhagen's said...

I love it. Brexton will fall asleep with food but he doesn't continue eating. That's funny.

Unknown said...

I was thinking this was not the first time, then I read that it wasn't. Do you not let her sleep ever? LOL J/K She is a silly little girl, at least she will eat and sleep. :)

The Ericksons said...

That is the funniest thing ever. What a cute little girl.

Jenni said...

I love videos like this...my kids have never done this! I guess it's a single kid girl thing? I don't know. So funny!

Kim said...

TOO FUNNY! I wonder if she was tasting things in her dream.