Jun 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

TJ had his birthday on June 7th!  To say Lily was excited would not be doing justice to her excitement!  She told me what we needed to get for Daddy's big day; cake, candles, birthday hats, balloons, and presents!  We got everything on her list!  As the day came, she was so excited to decorate the house for Daddy's party!  I often found her sitting at the table with her hat on waiting for Daddy to come home from work!  When he got home, she was so ready to start the party!  She wanted to help put the candles in Daddy's cheesecake and help him open his presents!  I love that she is so excited about Birthday's!  They are a big deal in our house as we LOVE to celebrate!

 There is no denying who this little man looks like!
 Lily is such a good helper, that sometimes she forgot who the presents were for!

 "Look mom, I got my very own Killer Bunnies!"  She was just a little disapointed that they were not for her!  I guess for her Birthday, we will have to get her her very own Killer Bunnies!

 Playing Bocci Ball, one of TJ's presents!  Lily LOVES to play with her dad! 

Lily thought it was pretty cool that her Dad could juggle the Bocci Balls!  Her Dad is her Super Hero!

1 comment:

James and Tricia Thomas said...

She is so much like Dorothy just wait till she starts planning themes and you end up with a Blue's Clues party!:) Happy Birthday TJ!