Oct 7, 2011


I learned the hard way the importance of a closed toe shoe!  TJ's office moved the end of July.  Because of this I got two bookshelves to refinish for the kids rooms.  August I spent sanding and painting the two.  Lily's bookshelf was first and everything went down without incident!  Then came Logan's bookshelf.  This one was going great until it was time to put it in his room.  September 1st TJ and I were taking it upstairs to his room.  I was headed up first when the bookshelf slipped out of my hands and fell onto my toe!  Immediatly I knew that a trip to the ER was going to be in order.  Even before I looked at my toe, I yelled at TJ to call a friend and take me to the ER.  I called our friend and he got Lily into her PJ's as it was almost bed time when it happened.  Our WONDERFUL friend came rushing over and took care of everything.  Her husband also came over and helped TJ give me a blessing before TJ took me to the after hours care clinic.  Well when the shelf fell on my toe, it poped the toenail completely off.  It also laserated my toe down to the bone and broke the tip of the toe.  This lead to me being on an antibotic to prevent the bone from getting infected and me losing my toe!  Yeah it was BAD!  We had to do X-Rays first.  Then the Trama PA looked at it and asked if we had the nail.  NO I WASN'T THINKING WHEN I LEFT THE HOUSE THAT I SHOULD BRING THE NAIL.  He then asked if we could get it.  The reason for this would be to help the opening where your nail comes through from healing closed so that I can have a nail.  It also helps for the nail to have a guild to come out so that it is not disformed.  So we put in a call to our friend and her husband was kind enough to drive the nail down.  To say I was embarassed is an understatement!  I laugh at it now!  While we were waiting for the nail, they stiched up my laseration.  Then they took my nail and drilled 3 holes in it.  Then they stiched the nail on and bandaged me up and we were on our way home.  After the first couple of days, my toe didn't hurt at all, until the stiches came out and the toe was no longer bandaged.  Then I could tell that it was broken because there was no support on the toe anymore.  Now that it has been over a month, the old nail has fallen off, the new nail has bearly poked through and I can wear shoes!  At least it is colder outside and I can keep the toe covered while the nail grows!  I only hope that I have a new nail by summer and sandle weather!  Anyways, I have learned my lesson...whenever moving heavy objects, always wear closed toe shoes! 

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