Jan 22, 2013

Apples and Broncos

Living in Denver, we are surrounded by Broncos mania.  We can't say we are die hard Bronco fans, but we do enjoy following them.  Since they made the playoffs, we decided we would watch the game with the kids.  Both had a great time watching the game while they had an apple.  These two LOVE apples and will eat them all the time if I let them.  Logan eats the entire apple, core and all.  As we watched the game, Lily was saying some pretty funny things!  She was really into the game!  We laughed each time she would say something!  She is so adorable! 

Lily's take on the game....

Lily, "Dad, do you remember when Colorado (the Broncos) tackled the raisin (Ravens)!" we have a little Bronco fan in the making!

Lily, "Dad stop. Your arm is in my way. I can't see the game!"

Lily, "Another touch down for the Raisins, come on Colorado! You can do it. You have always played this game!"

Lily, "The Raisins aren't good at that game are they Dad!"

Lily, "Oh, SWEET! The Colorado team got it! Now score! You can do it!"

Lily, "The Cougars (YES she confuses any of her favorite teams with the BYU Cougars) have more touchdowns than the Raisins!"

Lily, "Go Colorado! Go Colorado! Oh. The Raisins got the ball. I was saying Go Colorado because I wanted them to get the ball but the Raisins got it."

Lily, "Oh just forget it! Just quit giving the ball to the Raisins.!"

Lily, "Oh man! That's not good." (The Broncos lost in the last seconds of the game)

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