Jan 22, 2013

Visitors and a Jazz game!

We were blessed to have Nate, Allie, Wyatt, and Graycie visit one Saturday this month. They were in town to attend a baby blessing in Nate's family, but were able to stop by to play for a while. We loved being able to have them here to play. We're so glad that they stopped in.

For Christmas, my sister, Tiff, hooked us up with some Jazz v. Nuggets tickets at the Pepsi Center. The Jazz played well for a half and then pretty much gave up for the second, so they got blown out. It was so great to go to the game. It's been a while since we got to do something like that, so thanks so much Tiff. You're the best!

We wore our Jazz gear to the game. Needless to say, that was upsetting to a few of the Nuggets fans around us.

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