Feb 23, 2009

Fun At The Park!

Today was such a nice day! 63 degrees in February! We decided that it was too nice of a day not to get out. Some of the moms from the ward met at the park to let the kids play. It was Lily's first time to play at the park. Usually she just gets to sit in the stroller as mom walks. She had such a fun time on the few toys that she got to play on. We will surely go to the park a lot this summer. It is nice to have a park that we can walk to!
I think she was on the swing for half an hour and would have stayed for a lot longer. She thought it was so much fun to swing back and forth! Just wait until she is old enough for the "underdog"!

She liked the pig so much that she wanted to eat him. Therefore, her time on the pig was a lot shorter than the swing.
She is such a big girl! I can hardly believe she is almost five months old. Just look at her sit on the slide all by herself. Where did my baby go? I don't know what I will do when she can walk and I have to call her a toddler.
We played hard! When she got home she ate and went to sleep. I went to check on her and this is what I found! I LOVE it!

Oh The Places I Go!

Lily is growing so much each day and with that comes her personality. She is such a well-mannered, easy-going, smiley baby! Here are a few of the pictures that I find super cute and express her personality!
Okay so I put this first picture in because it is the first official picture of Lily sitting by herself, without falling! She is so strong and loves it now that she can truly sit up. Before she would still tip over, but now she has mastered the sitting thing!
She loves to sit in her toy basket because she has easy access to all her toys at once. She was talking to all her toys and smiling and laughing. I should have caught it on tape, but I just got the picture.
She can and will sleep anywhere and in any position. Every time I put her down, if she is already asleep, she instantly pulls her legs up and folds herself in half. I have decided that I need to follow her workout routine!...if I did I would have amazingly strong abs!
I had her on the counter while I was cooking dinner. She found TJ's sunflower seeds and started to shake the bag and sing. She had so much fun shaking the bag!
This is where she sits in the morning while I get ready. She loves it because she can talk to the baby in the mirror! Oh does she talk too! She would stay there all day if I let her!

Feb 16, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now!

These two pictures are of Lily in her new sweater from Grandma Warner! It is super cute and handmade! Everyone at Church just loved it and could hardly believe that it was handmade! Thanks Grandma!
I love this picture of TJ and Lily! They are just both so adorable! I love my little family!
Mmmmmm....Lily loves her rice cereal! We introduced it to her this last week. Now she cries when it is all gone. She is a silly little girl! She sure enjoys eating and getting messy!

Do you want to try some? Sorry too bad! It's all mine!
These two pictures are of Lily eating an apple in a mesh bag. She loves anything I put in this little contraption!...especially banana! She is such a big girl!

So Lily is almost sitting all by herself. She can stay up for a few seconds and then starts to tip over. She loves to be upright!
Because of just how much Lily wants to be sitting up like a big girl, my friend Trisha let me borrow this little chair - the bumbo, for those of you who know them. I love it as does Lily. I will defiantly invest in one for our next child. It helps Lily strengthen her back muscles so she will be able to sit up by herself. Thanks Trisha for letting us borrow it!
We don't have a picture or video to show at this time, but Lily is rolling over. She did it for the first time on Valentine's Day...and just for her Dad! Her Dad was so excited that she did it for just him. She waited until yesterday to do it for me and can I say, I was so very excited when she did! Our little girl is changing and growing so fast! I like it because it is fun to see her change, but I don't love it because my baby is growing up:(

Happy Valentine's Day!

So we celebrated Valentine's Day! I know not everyone likes this holiday, but I do. Any holiday that you can celebrate just how much you love your husband, I am all for it! We had a great day spending time together. It was nice that it was a Saturday because we got the whole day together!
Lily got a book for Valentine's Day. She loves her books. The other day I was reading to her and when I stopped, she started to cry until I read more! She is just like her Dad and already loves books!
I made breakfast for TJ to enjoy in bed. It was tiny heart shaped muffins and fresh fruit. Nothing too spectacular, but it was fun to use all my heart shaped stuff.
For some reason I was inspired to make chocolate dipped strawberries. They are super easy to do and so delicious to eat! TJ was surprised! That's what I wanted!
For lunch we went to Red Robin and enjoyed being out before the crowds that start at night. Then for dinner, TJ made me a wonderful Seafood dinner of snow crab, shrimp and pasta. It was so good and we got to enjoy just the two of us instead of the noise of a restaurant. We even got all dressed up!
To finish the date night, we danced and watched the dunk competition associated with the NBA all-star weekend! Thanks TJ for a special day! You are such a wonderful husband!

Feb 13, 2009

What we have been up too lately!

Our lives have been pretty boring lately. The only highlight was when Grandma Gray came to visit while TJ left me for Barbados! We don't have any pictures from the visit because TJ had the camera, so imagine a very excited Grandma and a very entertaining little 4 month old having the time of their lives! We were glad that Grandma came to visit! It made the week go by a lot faster with TJ gone. We are glad he is back with us. He will post about his trip. Until then these are some of the latest pictures that I thought I would share with you all!
Lily likes to get up earlier than her mom or dad like to. I like this picture because she has the look on her face like, "This isn't much fun. I want my toys!"
This is the dress that Lily got for Christmas that Grandma Warner made for her. She finally got to wear it to Church and we got a lot of complements on how cute it was! Thanks again Grandma Warner!
Lily got to cuddle up in Mommy's bed while I was getting ready for the day. She fell asleep and so I had to take a picture because she is just too cute! She looks so relaxed!
I love this picture because this is how I find her most of the time now. She doesn't really use her Binky very much (which I am perfectly fine with), but she loves to hold it in her hand.
Yet another cute picture! Lily loves to cuddle up in blankets. She has her Cougar blanket completely around her and she is loving it! Lily is just too much fun! We sure to have a great little girl!