Feb 16, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now!

These two pictures are of Lily in her new sweater from Grandma Warner! It is super cute and handmade! Everyone at Church just loved it and could hardly believe that it was handmade! Thanks Grandma!
I love this picture of TJ and Lily! They are just both so adorable! I love my little family!
Mmmmmm....Lily loves her rice cereal! We introduced it to her this last week. Now she cries when it is all gone. She is a silly little girl! She sure enjoys eating and getting messy!

Do you want to try some? Sorry too bad! It's all mine!
These two pictures are of Lily eating an apple in a mesh bag. She loves anything I put in this little contraption!...especially banana! She is such a big girl!

So Lily is almost sitting all by herself. She can stay up for a few seconds and then starts to tip over. She loves to be upright!
Because of just how much Lily wants to be sitting up like a big girl, my friend Trisha let me borrow this little chair - the bumbo, for those of you who know them. I love it as does Lily. I will defiantly invest in one for our next child. It helps Lily strengthen her back muscles so she will be able to sit up by herself. Thanks Trisha for letting us borrow it!
We don't have a picture or video to show at this time, but Lily is rolling over. She did it for the first time on Valentine's Day...and just for her Dad! Her Dad was so excited that she did it for just him. She waited until yesterday to do it for me and can I say, I was so very excited when she did! Our little girl is changing and growing so fast! I like it because it is fun to see her change, but I don't love it because my baby is growing up:(


Unknown said...

Lily sure is growing. She is so cute. I loved the bumbo too. Zoey was sitting up so early on her own after using it. So I'm not surprised to see Lily doing the same. So excited to see you guys next month.

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Very darling pictures of Lily. The sweater is very cute. You do have a talented Mom. LUCKY!!! Hope you guys are doing well.

Vance King said...

Enjoy this time when she is still stationary. It's a whole new world when they start crawling. I know that feeling of your baby growing up to fast. Austin is getting pretty close to walking. Time flies, doesn't it?

Jenni said...

So we have the smae sweater! Yellow and everything. We need to put them on our girls when they are together and get a picture...finally! I can't wait to see her. What a cute little personality she has. Fun v-day too.

Travis and Brittany said...

I am so excited you have a blog! I will be able to keep track of you now!

Christine said...

Your Lily is soooo adorable. The sweater is great.