Feb 23, 2009

Oh The Places I Go!

Lily is growing so much each day and with that comes her personality. She is such a well-mannered, easy-going, smiley baby! Here are a few of the pictures that I find super cute and express her personality!
Okay so I put this first picture in because it is the first official picture of Lily sitting by herself, without falling! She is so strong and loves it now that she can truly sit up. Before she would still tip over, but now she has mastered the sitting thing!
She loves to sit in her toy basket because she has easy access to all her toys at once. She was talking to all her toys and smiling and laughing. I should have caught it on tape, but I just got the picture.
She can and will sleep anywhere and in any position. Every time I put her down, if she is already asleep, she instantly pulls her legs up and folds herself in half. I have decided that I need to follow her workout routine!...if I did I would have amazingly strong abs!
I had her on the counter while I was cooking dinner. She found TJ's sunflower seeds and started to shake the bag and sing. She had so much fun shaking the bag!
This is where she sits in the morning while I get ready. She loves it because she can talk to the baby in the mirror! Oh does she talk too! She would stay there all day if I let her!

1 comment:

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Darling pictures Megan!!! She is definitely a keeper.